In 2011 we started a long-term documentary film project inspired by Konrad von Abel’s unique approach to music based on Sergiu Celibidache’s teachings. We follow von Abel’s work with conducting students to show up how to achieve a deeper understanding of music beyond instincts and mere emotions…
We work together with cinematographer Gisela Tuchtenhagen. Her approach to filming is one of moving with her camera, allowing herself to become part of the process and to participate in the development of the musicians.
The challenge is to not be lost in a concept. The phenomenology of music is not a system, not based on an idea. It is about to understand the appropriation of music as a constantly renewable process – as part of achieving a broader perspective.
In 2011 we started a long-term documentary film project inspired by Konrad von Abel’s unique approach to music based on Sergiu Celibidache’s teachings. We follow von Abel’s work with conducting students to show up how to achieve a deeper understanding of music beyond instincts and mere emotions…
We work together with cinematographer Gisela Tuchtenhagen. Her approach to filming is one of moving with her camera, allowing herself to become part of the process and to participate in the development of the musicians.
The challenge is to not be lost in a concept. The phenomenology of music is not a system, not based on an idea. It is about to understand the appropriation of music as a constantly renewable process – as part of achieving a broader perspective.